I expect to see you ALL here!
I hope that all of you Raleigh readers can come join this great event. I can’t wait to meet you there, if you do make it!
Party with skirt! and Dress for Success
Update: We’ll be giving away some great prizes at our event! Tickets, jewelry, gift certificates…watch this space for more info!
The most awesome party ever happens this month, and you are so invited. skirt! has teamed up with the Triangle chapter of Dress for Success to hold our first-ever skirt! After Work event.
What is it? A skirt drive to benefit Dress for Success.
What should I bring? Skirts, of course! But we’ll also be accepting jewelry, scarves, belts, and other interview attire.
Where? The gorgeous, delicious 518 West Italian Café on Glenwood South.
When? 5:30 til 7:30pm. Tuesday, September 30.
Why? Because it’s a benefit for an amazing women’s cause, a chance to meet the skirt! team, as well as some of the men and women who have appeared in our issues. Oh, and did we mention we’ll be giving away prizes?
How much? It’s free to get in, and the signature skirtini will be $5 for those of you with donations. Other drinks will be regular price.
If you’re wondering what a skirtini is, this is where you come in. We’re currently running a recipe contest for the signature drink of skirt! Is the skirtini sassy, light, and fruity? Dry and witty? Or rich, elegant, and chocolate-y? You decide!
Come up with a recipe for the ultimate skirtini, and enter it here. The winning beverage will be christened The skirtini, and will be served at our skirt! After Work events every month, starting with Skirts for Success on September 30. See you there! And get mixing!