My aunt sent me this email from her friend’s church’s youth group (I don’ think that was too hard to follow):
Founded in 1913, The Crossnore School is a private, non-profit children’s home and school in the western NC mountains, serving children who, for circumstances beyond their control, can no longer live at home, whether permanently or temporarily. Most residents live at Crossnore because their primary care givers are abusive or have neglected them to the point that their well being is threatened. Residents come from all counties in NC.
The needs of these children in residence are very basic things that are needed for day to day living. We are asking members of Pleasant Grove Baptist Church to go to the Crossnore School website and view the “SPECIAL NEEDS” section.
If you have any of these items listed here that you can donate, please drop off your donation between now and November 12th in the lobby area of the top floor of the Family Life Center, adjacent from the Fellowship Hall. Ms. Lou Jean Peace and a friend of hers will actually be delivering the items the Younger GA’s collect to the school in person the week of November 17th. Further questions and comments can be sent to
Many of the items on their needs list (answering machines, curling irons, G-rated videos, small pet bedding, etc.) WON’T EVEN COST YOU A DIME of anything other than the time it’ll take to pull it out of storage or the hall closet.
I’ll be glad to pick up any donations from any readers – just drop me a message or email!