… then you’ve probably observed that everyone who does not eat pickles will give me theirs. (Love my friends!)
I am also a potato chip connoisseur. Not just any potato chips will do. I’m a big fan of the really crunchy ones – generally known as kettle-cooked chips.
I picked up lunch from Durham’s Parker & Otis the other day and found something that was made JUST FOR ME (or at least it seems).
You can order them in bulk on their website: http://www.rt11.com/cfmodules/ObjMgr.cfm?Obj=OrderHere.
So much for that eating healthy thing! 😉
PS – And don’t think that I won’t take a side trip on my next DC visit to go watch them make these small batch wonders of the potato chip world. That ok with you Adrianne?
FTC blogger disclosure: I was not contacted by Rt. 11 to blog about this post or compensated. But I would SO not object to a box of dill pickle potato chips. Nom, nom, nom! 🙂